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Conference Events
International Distilled Spirits Technical Forum

International Distilled Spirits Technical Forum has been held since 2014 and has been successfully held for two sessions, once every two years. The conference was jointly held by the China National Institute of Food Fermentation Industries, the International Joint Research Center for Liquor Quality and Safety, the Baijiu Branch of the China Alcohol Industry Association, and the French Cognac Technology Center (BNIC), the Scotch Whisky Research Institute (SWRI), the British International Brewing and Distillation Research Center, the Russian Vodka Research Center, and the Japan Brewing Association. Focusing on international distilled spirits and Chinese Baijiu, the conference launched technical discussions from international hot topics, such as brewing raw materials, brewing microorganisms, new products, new technologies, quality safety, low-carbon energy conservation, etc., providing a platform to promote international technological exchanges and development of distilled spirits, sharing the latest research trends and scientific research achievements of the international distilled spirits industry, expanding the influence of Chinese Baijiu, and improving the international competitiveness of Chinese Baijiu, has far-reaching international influence.