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Development history
development history
development history
  • 2023

    Conduct research on the health effects of beverage alcohol, evaluate consumer comfort, explore the use of genetic testing to evaluate alcohol content, and develop an intelligent consumer sensory experience platform.

  • 2020
    Vigorously develop research on functional ingredients for fermented food based on synthetic biology, and establish a consumer intelligent sensory laboratory.
  • 2018

    The Baijiu Sub-center of the National International Joint Research Center for Liquor Quality and Safety was established in partnership with Wuliangye. Its aim is to develop an international research and development platform for Baijiu, with a focus on promoting its comfortable, healthy, and high-quality development.

  • 2016

    Collaboratively establish an international research platform focused on 'Alcohol and Health' and conduct research on the relationship between alcohol and health using food sensory science.

  • 2013

    The International Joint Research Center for Liquor Quality and Safety (ICAB) has been approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology to conduct microbial community structure analysis of multi-strain fermentation systems and research the screening and application of key functional microorganisms.

  • 2010
    The first International Beer Summit Forum hosted by ICAB was successfully held in Beijing, carrying out flavor omics based metabolic mechanisms and quality improvement technologies.
  • 2006

    ICAB proposes a development policy of 'producing sufficient beer and comprehensively producing liquor' while implementing an energy conservation and emission reduction technology system for alcoholic products.

  • 2003

    Beer center was established to conduct research on brewing technology, and provide engineering consulting for new enterprises.

  • 2000
    Establish a beer center, conduct research on brewing (mainly beer) technology, and provide engineering consulting for new enterprises