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The 2nd International Distilled Spirits Technical Forum (IDSTF) 2016
Background of the meeting

The Forum was co-sponsored by CNRIFFI, Baijiu Branch of China Alcohol Industry Association, International Joint Research Center for Liquor Quality and Safety, National Center of Food Quality Supervision and Inspection, and National Center of Food Fermentation Standardization, hosted by Jinpai Co., Ltd., BNIC, SWRI, KFRI, with distillers from the United Kingdom, Russia, the Netherlands, and South Korea. A total of more than 300 wine experts, as well as representatives from liquor companies, traditional brewing companies, universities, scientific research institutes, equipment suppliers, etc. attended this forum.

Full address
November 20-22, 2016
Drinking, Health, Technology, Innovation
Hubei Huangshi Jinpai Research Institute
Huangshi, Hubei
Content of the conference
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