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ICAB 2057 Bacillus subtilis subspecies Natto production strain
Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis
ICAB 2057 Bacillus subtilis subspecies Natto production strain
  • Product name:
    ICAB 2057 Bacillus subtilis subspecies Natto production strain Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis
  • Strain number:
    ICAB 2057
  • Latin name:
    Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis
  • Specific Use:
    Used in the production of natto
  • Source:
    ICAB strain, independent breeding
  • Price:
Purpose and characteristics
The strain is an excellent natto production strain protected by patent. In addition to the nutrition and functions of ordinary natto, it also contains natural NDJ (deoxynojiri mycin), which has the function of reducing postprandial blood sugar and improving the metabolism and accumulation of fat in the liver.
The natto products produced by this strain have good odor and drawing condition, and can be used to produce colored natto products with mixed raw materials. Verification scale: 1 ton/day; Raw materials: beans, broad beans, peas, black beans, green beans, peanuts and other leguminous raw materials; Fermentation cycle: 18 hours.
Application scope and usage method
Used in the production of natto.
Cultivation requirements for bacterial strains
Aerobic type: aerobic; Fermentation temperature: 38~40℃;
Medium name: Commercial MRS Finished medium