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ICAB 2055 Lactic acid bacteria
ICAB 2055 Lactic acid bacteria
  • Product name:
    ICAB 2055 Lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus
  • Strain number:
    ICAB 2055
  • Latin name:
  • Specific Use:
    Can be used for liquor production
  • Source:
    ICAB strain, isolated from brewing Daqu
  • Price:
Purpose and characteristics
The metabolites of this strain can effectively reduce the irritation of liquor and increase the aroma and sweetness of the liquor. It can also use the prion, peptone and polypeptide substances generated by the metabolism of mold and other microorganisms to form amino acids, further metabolize and produce flavor substances in the wine body, affecting the formation of flavor flavor style.
Application scope and usage method
Mainly used for liquor brewing.
Cultivation requirements for bacterial strains
Aerobic type: aerobic
Culture temperature: 28-30℃
Medium components: Casein peptone 10g, beef extract powder 10g, yeast powder 5g, glucose 5g, sodium acetate 5g, diammonium citrate 2g, Twain 80 1.0g, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 2g, magnesium sulfate 0.2g, manganese sulfate 0.05g, calcium carbonate 20g, AGAR 15g, distilled water 1L, pH6.8.