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ICAB 2052 caproic acid bacteria
ICAB 2052 caproic acid bacteria
  • Product name:
    ICAB 2052 caproic acid bacteria /
  • Strain number:
    ICAB 2052
  • Latin name:
  • Specific Use:
    Can be used for liquor production
  • Source:
    ICAB strain, isolated from brewing Daqu
  • Price:
Purpose and characteristics
Can be used for liquor production.
Suitable growth pH value is 6.0-7.0; The ethyl caproate (about 12.4g/L) was formed from caproic acid produced by metabolism and ethanol produced by Daqu fermentation, which formed the main aroma component of Luzhou-flavor Daqu wine.
Application scope and usage method
In order to improve the quality of Luzhou-flavor Daqu wine, caproic acid bacteria culture liquid can be widely used in cellar filling, pit maintenance and production of esterification liquid of artificial mud culture medium.
Cultivation requirements for bacterial strains
Culture temperature: 35℃
Medium components: 0.4g potassium hydrogen phosphate, 0.2g magnesium sulfate, 0.5g ammonium sulfate, 5g sodium acetate, 0.8g yeast extract powder, 10g calcium carbonate, 20mL 95% alcohol, water volume to 1L, pH 6.8.