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International exchange program (14 items)
Serial Number Item Classification
Project Name
1 2004 China-Sri Lanka inter-governmental exchange program
Development and utilization of hop bioactive substances and construction of technological innovation platform
2 2005 China-Sri Lanka inter-governmental exchange program
The qualitative analysis of hop varieties was carried out using GC and GC-MS and chemical statistical techniques
3 2007 Sino-Sri Lankan inter-governmental exchange program
Study on hop bioactive substances
4 2009 Sino-Czech Government exchange program
Study on the quality consistency system from brewing raw materials to finished products
5 2011 Sino-Russian government exchange program
Organizing scientific experiments on brewing barley varieties
6 2012 China-Czech government exchange program
Study on new technology of wine quality and safety control
7 2013 China-Romania inter-governmental exchange program
Study on microbial antifungal protein and its application in food safety control
8 2013 Sino-Hungarian inter-governmental exchange program
Research and application of new technology of energy saving and consumption reduction in winemaking
9 2017 China-Uzbekistan inter-governmental exchange program
Development and application of new adsorption materials for water treatment
10 2017 China-Uzbekistan inter-governmental exchange program
Breeding and application of good lactic acid bacteria in traditional fermented food
11 2017 China-Romania inter-governmental exchange program
Study on control and utilization of lactic acid bacteria in winemaking process
12 2018 China-Romania inter-governmental exchange program
Study on microbial diversity and bioactive substances in wine production
13 2018 China-Sri Lanka inter-governmental exchange program
Application of microbe encapsulation in wine making process
2021 China-Sri Lanka inter-governmental exchange program
Joint research and application of hop variety traceability identification technology