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Research and application of key technologies of carbon neutrality in beer manufacturing industry
According to the characteristics of beer production and consumption and the relevant domestic and international standards, a carbon footprint accounting method and statistical system for beer manufacturing and beer life cycle were established, and the factors affecting the carbon footprint of beer manufacturing process were systematically studied by using this method. At the same time, the main measures of beer carbon neutrality were systematically studied, and a number of green brewing technologies were used to establish the realization of carbon neutrality in the beer manufacturing industry, so that the carbon footprint of the beer manufacturing industry was reduced to 1.18kg/HL, which was the best level in the world. For the carbon neutrality of the whole life cycle of beer, and upstream and downstream suppliers, the supplier Strategic alliance (SSA) and equipment supplier strategic alliance (VSA) have been established to lead the beer industry to build a low carbon zero carbon beer factory and help achieve the "3060" double carbon goal. The project has achieved carbon neutrality in the beer industry for the first time, and the results are highly innovative in the beer manufacturing industry, which has great significance and leading role in reducing carbon emissions in the beer manufacturing industry, and has reached the international leading level in reducing energy consumption.