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The 5th China International Beer Conference (CIBC) 2018
Background of the meeting

The 5th China International Beer Conference was grandly held in Shanghai from November 17th to 18th, 2018. More than 500 well-known experts, research teams, and industry insiders from the beer industry at home and abroad focused on the theme of "innovation and integration", they conducted academic exchanges and shared the latest research results from multiple perspectives to jointly promote the transformation, upgrading, and innovative development of Chinese beer industry. This Conference is jointly organized by our institute, the China Liquor Industry Association, and the International Joint Research Center for Liquor Quality and Safety. Co-hosted by China Resources Snow Beer (China) Co., Ltd. Wang Yancai, Chairman of the China Alcoholic Beverage Association, Hou Xiaohai, Vice Dean Zhang Wujiu of our institute, General Manager of China Resources Snow Beer (China) Co., Ltd., He Yong, Executive Deputy Secretary General and Secretary General of the Beer Branch of the China Alcoholic Beverage Association, Scott Britton, Professor of the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC), Philipp Zeuschner, Professor of the Berlin Brewing Institute, and Kevin Verstrepen, Professor of the University of Leuven in Belgium Secretary General Wu Jianhua and other leaders of the Shanghai Brewing Professional Association, as well as many international guests, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. The opening ceremony was presided over by Wang Deliang, Director of the Research and Development Department of Brewing Engineering at our institute and Director of the National Joint Research Center for Liquor Quality and Safety.

Full address
November 16-18, 2018
Innovation and Integration
Shanghai, China
Content of the conference
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